Good luck!!
The fedex logo was created in 1994 by Linden Leader and associates. If you look closely at the orange letters "E" and "x" there is a arrow pointing to the right. The arrow is suppose to signify precision and speed, some say it represent forward, moving forward. Whatever it means Linden and Leader and associates were very clever on creating the arrow with the two letters!!
Is there a number you see in Baskin Robbins logo? If not go back and look for a 3 and 1. Once you realize that there is a number in the logo it is pretty simple to pick it out. The number is 31, which represents the 31 different flavors they have.
This one might be a little more obvious. In the word Tour the R is tweaked into a man hunched over a yellow blob. See it now? Good job! I also think this was a clever design too. Even though most people know what Tour of France.
This one might be the hardest to see!! If you know anything from Toblerone chocolate, Toblerone is the name of the town that came up with the chocolate. And if you know anything else about Toblerone it is located in the mountains and the mountains are known for their bears... do you see it yet? Well if you look closely at the mountain at the white space you can see a dancing bear... pretty neat right? If not... I think so!
Last but not least is this logo. If you are not a baseball fan then you will not know this logo. The logo above is the Milwaukee Bucks. At first glance you may see a glove and a baseball but if you look a little closer you will see the initials of the ball club. The lower case b is the thumb and palm of the glove and the lower case m is the ringers!!
So the next time you are out and about make sure you spend that extra second or two looking at logo to see if you can find a subliminal image!!
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