News Gothic is a realist sans serif typeface designed by Morris Fuller Benton and released by American type founders (ATF) in 1908.
There are a few distinctive characteristics of News Gothic that stick outs from other type face. There are the two story lowercase a and the g. Also unique are the blunt terminus at the apex of the lowercase t and the location of the tail of the uppercase Q completely outside the bowl.
Some of the places that you do see News Gothic or other versions of News Gothic is the Brooklyn Academy of Music which was designed by Michael Beirut. The font is also found on Otil Elevator push buttons which was manufactured from the 1920s through the 1960's. News Gothic is also used in Nature Magazine, art work by Lady Gaga which is called "The Fame Monster". who would of thought Lady Gaga would use a font named News Gothic! And of course the most famous that News Gothic was used is the opening credits for Star Wars!!
There is a enhanced version of News Gothic which is called News Gothic No. 2. This face type differs from News Gothic by adds more weights. Some other variants from News goth is Benton Sans which is an expanded font family from the Font Bureau. Linotype Gothic, which was based on Heidelber Gothic is a variant with italic type glyphs. A Cyrillic version was developed for Para Type in 2005 by Kmitry Kirsanov, based on Bitstream's version of News Gothic.
So overall News Gothic was some what popular when it first came out. It has had some stints in major retail company such as JC Penny advertisements and popular pop artist such as Lady Gaga using it in her art work. Movies and elevators also got on board with using this font.
Other then the information I was able to find on Wikipedia I was not able to find much more information.
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